
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.

Year 5


Mrs Harrison, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Smith 


Welcome to Year 5!


In Year 5, we always follow in Jesus' footsteps, with God at the centre of our lives.  We work hard, show wonderful behaviour, are respectful to others and act as excellent role models for the younger children. We always try our best and we are resilient in everything we do. 




Children have two PE lessons, one on a Monday and one on a Friday, children should come dressed in their PE uniform on those days please, with earrings already removed. In Autumn 2 and Spring 1 the children will have 1 swimming lesson every Monday. For these lessons, children will come into school in school uniform. Girls will need to wear a swimming hat and children are able to wear goggles if we have written consent from parents. 




Homework is given out on a Thursday and collected in on a Wednesday – this is to accommodate children's busy weekends!  If children need any help with their homework or wish to do their homework in school, we are available on Monday and Tuesday lunchtimes for this.  Please do feel free to comment on your child’s homework regarding how they got on with the task and any difficulties which they found – this information is all very helpful to us when evaluating children’s learning!


Please encourage children to read every night and to continue to practise their fluency with recalling their times tables by using Times Tables Rockstars.


Children are encouraged to bring in stories and books that they recommend to discuss with the class. 


Spellings are set on a Friday for testing on the following Friday.  They are set on Spelling Shed and a copy is also stuck into their reading record/homework diaries.




In Year 5, we are learning how to play the ukulele.  Please make sure ukuleles are returned by Wednesday for the music lessons on Fridays.  


Other organisational details


Children need to have their reading record/homework diaries, reading books and spelling logs in school every day. 


Please make sure any prescribed medication is given straight to the school office if children need to be given this in school.  


Please do contact us if you have any questions or concerns – either by a chat on the playground, phone call or email.   






Useful links:


