
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.

Year 3

Mrs Beardon



Welcome to Year 3 where we always try to do our best in everything we do – in our work and in our play. We always try to do what Jesus would want us to.

In the Spring, we will be learning about Lent and preparing to receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Our topic is Railways and we will focus on how people used to lived  and travel around, we will learn about the industrial revolution and how people were treated.

In Maths we will be starting to learn about fractions, continue with times tables and addition.

In science, we will be learning about Forces and magnets and what we can find out about these in every day life.


  • Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Children should continue to come into school in their PE uniform on these days and remember to remove earrings before coming to school. Children do need a full water bottle in school every day, especially on PE days.


  • Reading and spelling books should be brought into school every day. Children will be heard read once a week in school by our volunteers. But we still ask that you listen to them every night!


  • Library books and homework folders are to be brought in on Wednesday please.




Curriculum Spring 



























