God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.
At St Mary's we use a selection of resources including a computer suite and iPads to support our teaching of the National Curriculum.
We use Project Evolve to support out teaching of e-safety and use an Entrust computing scheme to deliver our weekly lessons.
We use a range of software which addresses all the key aspects of the curriculum and immediately engages the children’s interest. It is easy to use in school as well as at home. The software delivers clear progression from Year 1 to Year 6 as well as embedding e-safety to ensure the safe use of technology through the school. Through the delivery of Computing we cover:
Computer Science: where children learn the main concepts: logic, evaluation, algorithms, patterns, decomposition and abstraction.
Information Technology: where children use laptops and Ipads to create content such as: data handling, databases and spreadsheets, collecting, evaluating and presenting information.
Digital Literacy: We follow Project Evolve where our children learn to stay safe whilst using technology for example what makes a strong password and how to be respectful online.
Coding by Year 6 children!
In our after school club some of the pupils created their own games! Follow the links to have a play:-
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3