
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.

Year 6



Mrs Moore and Miss Askey


Welcome to Year 6! This is your last academic year at St. Mary's so get ready to make it the best one yet!


General information:


During morning playtime children can buy a slice of toast for 30p. Children are responsible for their own money. Please try to send in the correct change. Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school.


Lunch time

Children will eat their packed lunch or a school dinner in the dinner hall with the other children. 

Once your child has finished their lunch, they will get the opportunity to play with their friends on playground. 



Homework will be given out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday.

Remember to read at home for 10 minutes every single day and please remember to record this in your reading diaries and bring it in daily.  Do not forget to practise your spellings in your spelling log and on Spelling Shed. A spelling test will take place each Friday.

Please wear your PE uniform to school on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please bring your coat to school every day so we can all enjoy our breaktimes outside.


Special Friends

Your child will have a ‘Special Friend’ from our Reception class which they will help to guide and support through their first year at school. 



Click on the documents below to find out more about Y6 and our curriculum.

Citizenship levels

Useful Websites:


































