
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.

Year 6



Miss Wayman, Mrs Evans & Mrs Jones

Welcome to Year 6! This is your last academic year at St. Mary's so get ready to make it the best one yet!





Mrs Evans will teach Y6 on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Miss Wayman will teach them on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  We will plan and review learning together so it will be very smooth weekly transitions for the children.  Mrs Jones will also be with the children every day. 



This will be each Monday.  Any goggles permissions which we had last year will still be valid for this term.  Children should come to school in their normal school uniform on Mondays please.  It would be a very good idea for children to have a break time snack when they return from swimming as they will have used a lot of energy walking to and from the baths and during their swimming lesson.



This will take place on Tuesdays. Please can children come in their P.E. uniform on that day. 



Please can children bring a coat to school every day so break times can be enjoyed outside as the weather often changes quickly. 



Please can any children who have inhalers ensure they are given to the school office.



This year the children will be learning how to play the ukulele and their lesson will take place on Friday afternoons.



We will start our learning about Confirmation in the Autumn Term.  As part of their learning, children will be asked to research and choose a ‘Confirmation saint’.  This should be a saint who inspires them and whose example they would like to follow.  Any research the children could do at home would be very useful please!



During morning playtime children can buy a slice of toast for 30p. Children are responsible for their own money. Please try to send in the correct change. Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school.



Homework will be given out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. Remember to read at home for 10 minutes every single day and please remember to record this in your reading diaries and bring it in daily. Do not forget to practise your spellings in your spelling log and on Spelling Shed. A spelling test will take place each Friday.


Special Friends

Your child will have a ‘Special Friend’ from our Reception class which they will help to guide and support through their first year at school. 



Click on the documents below to find out more about Y6 and our curriculum.

Useful Websites:













