
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.

Year 4

Miss Faultless and Miss Westwood

Welcome to Year 4!

I hope you have all had a fantastic break and are ready for the start of a brand-new term!  Miss Westwood and I are very excited about the new term and we have lots of exciting learning planned so we can’t wait to get started! I am delighted to have the pleasure of meeting and teaching your children this year. The classroom is ready, with lots of amazing displays to help with the children’s learning. 

Here are some logistical arrangements for this half-term for your information:


Our PE days will be a Tuesday and a Friday. Children are required to come to school on these days in their school PE kit. If they have earrings please come to school, with them taken out or covered up.


Homework will be given out on a Thursday and collected in on a Wednesday – this is to accommodate busy weekends etc!  If children need any help with their homework or wish to do their homework in school, we are available on Monday and Tuesday lunchtimes for this.  Please do feel free to comment on your child’s homework regarding how they got on with the task and any difficulties which they found – this information is all very helpful to me when evaluating children’s learning!

Please encourage children to read every night and have a record of this in their reading record book. Times tables will be key this year. We will be continuing to practise times tables every day in school but we encourage the children to also be practising at home in preparation for their times tables assessment at the end of the year.

Spellings will be set on a Friday for testing on the following Friday.  They will be set on Spelling Shed and a copy also stuck into their reading record/homework diaries. 


Music this year for Year 4 will be continuing their work on the keyboard in their music lessons. We look forward to hearing the children’s progress and achievements with this.

Other organisational details

Children need to have their reading record/homework diaries, reading books and spelling logs in school every day. 

Please make sure any medication e.g. inhalers are sent in to the school office as soon as possible.

Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview
