
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.

Year 1


Welcome to Year 1 with

Mrs Thelwell and Mrs Cooke!


Remember to sign your child's reading record each night to give us a chance at winning the Movie Afternoon for World Book Day!


This half term we are learning about




General Reminders:

  • Please make sure all belongings are named.
  • Our **NEW** PE days are Monday and Friday– children must wear their PE kit to school and ensure that earrings are taken out. Monday will be gymnastics so children need to wear shorts under their joggers or leggings and be able to have bare feet.
  • Bring your water bottle to school daily.
  • Reading books are to be brought into school daily - please read with your child daily and ask them questions about what they have read, e.g. how is this character feeling, or what do you predict will happen next?
  • Spelling tests are every Friday- and new words will be given on a Friday


Jubilee Year of celebrations!

Our timetable

Useful links for learning at home


Read a book online


Play a maths game
