
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

God is at the centre of our lives and as a schoolcommunity we try to grow in love and care byfollowing the example of Jesus.

Daily Business

Daily Business


 Reading and Homework 



It is important to be reading regularly and ideally, each day.


Please ensure that your child brings in their books and Homework Diary daily. In the diary, please write what your child has read (to page x / finished the book) and if possible a short comment on how they are getting on (sounds / expression / punctuation / comprehension). These diaries will be checked by one of the staff in Y2 and reading books will be changed and sent home upon reading a completed comment.


Your child will receive additional RWI Phonics books throughout the term to read at home - please try to send them in daily and send back by the end of the week so another group can enjoy them.


Y2 are also able to check out a book from our school library


Please encourage your child to read daily and talk about what they have read to check understanding. Feel free to jot down any additional reading they have enjoyed from home and we always welcome book reviews to share with the class.



In school, we use the Read Write Inc (RWI) scheme for Phonics. In the Summer Term, Y2 will either continue with the RWI scheme or will move onto a more comprehension-based approach (and SATs style questions and texts) in small groups.


Any children who did not pass the Phonics Screening in June 2023 will have another opportunity to get past those sneaky alien words next June.


Homework will be given each week on FridaysSpelling tests will usually be on Wednesdays this term. Homework folders should be given back on Wednesdays or Thursdays please.


Children should practise their reading, spelling, handwriting, number bonds and times tables (x2, x5, x10) as often as possible at school and at home.


You can also use your Spelling Shed, TTR, j2blast (BGFL) accounts to keep improving and show me your progress. Keep those logins safe and enjoy! 


Other things to learn at school and home are how to tie your laces, know the days of the week and months of the year in order, tell the time and use a ruler effectively to measure and to draw straight lines.    


What to wear? 


The Autumn term is full of weather surprises and we will often be outside, so please make sure your child has a coat and appropriate footwear each day. If the sunshine carries on throughout this half-term, please bring sun hats and ensure children have sun cream on. Don't forget they can also wear additional layers and school hoody, as our classroom can often be very cold (especially with the windows open for increased ventilation)! 


Please wear PE uniforms and feel free to bring an extra water bottle on PE days (Mondays and Tuesdays). Make sure long hair is tied back and earrings are taken out before school on these days. Do ensure your child is wearing enough layers to keep warm in other lessons on those days.


Food and Drink:


KS1 children receive free school meals and fruit. They can also bring their own packed lunch and a healthy snack. Children will be given a drink at lunch time, but please make sure they have a water bottle in school each day to keep them hydrated.



